منتدى محمد طاهر الرسمي
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منتدى محمد طاهر الرسمي
الرئيسيةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 IEEE Lecture Invitation: Programmable Systems on Chip

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد الرسائل : 1943
العمر : 34
مكان الاقامة : الاردن-عمان
تاريخ التسجيل : 28/02/2008

IEEE Lecture Invitation: Programmable Systems on Chip Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: IEEE Lecture Invitation: Programmable Systems on Chip   IEEE Lecture Invitation: Programmable Systems on Chip Emptyالخميس أبريل 17, 2008 3:24 am

It gives me great pleasure to invite you to the third engineering lecture of the spring 2008 lecture series organized by the IEEE Jordan section with the kind cooperation of the Computer, Electrical, and Mechatronics Engineering departments at the University of Jordan.

Programmable Systems on Chip
Speaker: Eng. Ziad R. Al-Khatib
Saeed Al Mufti Auditorium,
University of Jordan, Faculty of Engineering and Technology

Date and Time:
Monday, 21/4/2008, 12:30-1:30 pm

Talk Abstract

The PSoC mixed-signal arrays are programmable system-on-chip (SOC) that integrates a microcontroller with analog and digital components. A single PSoC device can integrate as many as 100 peripheral functions such as filters and comparators with a microcontroller, saving design time, components, board space, power consumption, and costs. This lecture discusses how the analog devices can be programmed, main features and functionality of the PSoC, development tools, and how it can be used in a design with practical examples. The development tools enable designers to select the precise peripheral functionality they desire, including:

  • Analog functions (amplifiers, ADCs, DACs, filters, and comparators)

  • Digital functions (timers, counters, PWMs, SPI, and UARTs)

  • Communications interface (I2C, SPI, USB, .)

Also in this lecture, the PSoC Designer, which is a free GUI-based Integrated Development Environment, will be presented together with the PSoC Programmer which is a standalone application to program PSoC devices. The PSoC Express which is a visual design tool that enables the engineer to go from concept to embedded ASIC in one hour or less. This tool allows the designer to auto-generate a data sheet, schematic, and bill of materials.

About the Speaker

Eng. Ziad Al-Khatib is from the Electrical Eng. Dept. at the University of Jordan. He has many years of Electrical and Computer experience in teaching and training. He has accumulated more than 20 years know-how in teaching and training of micro-computer hardware and interfacing. He is a professional Engineer in designing, developing, and researching in the different fields of computer applications, computing and electrical engineering. He is an A+ Certified engineer. He attended various professional training courses such as:
Professional training course in modern PCB design and fabrication of the double side and multi-layer PCBs in LPKF Company, Hanover, Germany.
PLC training course by IUT de Cachan, France, in Latekia, Syria.
Robotics training course using PSoC by IUT de Cachan, France, in Byruit, Lebanon.
He consults widely in industry and has participated in many industrial technical projects.

Please find attached a directions map to help guide you to reach the venue.

I hope to be able to see you there and if you know anyone else who might be interested, please pass along this message as everybody is welcome.

If you by any chance you would like to be removed from the mailing list, please reply to this message with subject line containing the word - unsubscribe -.

Best regards,
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

عدد الرسائل : 513
العمر : 32
مكان الاقامة : DAMMAM
تاريخ التسجيل : 09/05/2008

IEEE Lecture Invitation: Programmable Systems on Chip Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: IEEE Lecture Invitation: Programmable Systems on Chip   IEEE Lecture Invitation: Programmable Systems on Chip Emptyالسبت يونيو 07, 2008 3:15 pm

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IEEE Lecture Invitation: Programmable Systems on Chip
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